
Jessica Allen, Direct Response Manager
Jessica oversees direct response communication, ensuring the effectiveness of the organization’s donor messaging and campaigns.

Shyamala Anand, M.S., Sr. Technical Advisor for NTDs
Shyam provides technical support to neglected tropical disease (NTD) and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs. A medical and development professional with more than 30 years of experience with The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI)…

Sunil Anand, M.D., Regional Director for Asia
Sunil leads the implementation of American Leprosy Missions’ five-year strategic plan in Asia. A leprosy expert and dermatologist, he has more than 34 years of field and clinical experience in leprosy including reconstructive surgery…

Evelyn Aryeetey, M.A., Finance and Administration Specialist
Evelyn supports ALM’s projects in Africa through documentation and process management….

Ismael Asgarian, Northeast Regional Donor Manager
Ismael oversees grant processes from start to finish: from opportunity identification to hand-off and implementation, liaising with program directors to ensure necessary program, financial and technical inputs, leading bid teams, and managing current grant awards.

Solomon Atinbire, M.Res., Program Manager
Solomon is a seasoned monitoring and evaluation expert with experience in research, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects focusing on malaria, maternal and child health, and adolescent reproductive health…

Katie Bryan, Program Associate
Katie provides administrative support and program management for ALM’s projects, coordinating between teams to ensure project progress and deliverable quality.

Craig Calvert, M.A., Program Finance Manager
Craig supports the finance and programs teams by monitoring and analyzing budgets and expenditures of American Leprosy Missions’ programs around the globe.

Melissa Edmiston, M.P.H., M.S., Vice President of Programs
Melissa supports the mission of American Leprosy Missions by developing systems to optimize program reporting and data management, collaborating across the team to ensure effective information exchange and organizational learning…

Beverly Elmore, Vice President of Finance
Beverly joined American Leprosy Missions more than 20 years ago. During this time, she has worked in all areas of the finance department. Beverly is responsible for overseeing the finance department, human resources and information systems. Beverly has a B.S. degree…

Erica Estrella, West Coast Regional Donor Manager
With over a decade of building relationships with local and global partners, Erica is passionate about using her skills and connecting others to make a positive difference in the world. As a donor manager, Erica fosters ongoing relationships with ALM’s donors…

Sarah Hesshaus, M.A., Vice President of Organizational Development
Sarah works to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and strategy throughout the organization. This includes collaborating with the leadership team to develop the organization’s strategy, working with departments to ensure…

Chriso Jaladi, Program Manager for Research and Innovation
As the Administrative Associate for Research and Innovation, Chriso manages the administrative aspects of research initiatives and projects, supporting the director. He compiles literature reviews and benchmarking tools, identifies collaboration or funding…

Saidi Kashindi, M.I.C.H.A., Program Manager
Saidi supports program implementation and grant administration in Francophone countries, including reporting, implementing industry best practices, and managing grant funding. Saidi ensures that projects are on track to accomplish…

Ashley Kurtz, General Ledger Accountant
Ashley helps manage day-to-day accounting functions as well as payroll and employee benefits. Before moving to the Greenville area, Ashley lived in Rock Hill, South Carolina where she graduated magna cum laude from York Technical College…

Patrick Atikpo Mawulolo, M.B.A., Finance and Operations Manager
As finance and admin officer, Patrick is responsible for managing and directing finances and accounting, including budget development and tracking, reporting and analysis, contracts and grants, and taxation. In addition, he supports the development of financial…

Andrew McKinley, Th.M., Donor Data Manager
Andrew is responsible for donor data quality and maintenance, gift processing systems, reporting and systems support.

Deborah Mensah, M.Sc., Program Director
Deborah Mensah is the Program Director managing ALM’s projects in Africa, including the AIM Initiative program. Based in Accra, Ghana, Deborah leads our Africa team and builds strategic relationships to further ALM and partner goals. Deborah comes to ALM…

Jim Oehrig, M.A., Vice President of Integral Mission & Partner Engagement
Jim develops and strengthens partnerships and collaborations with Christian organizations and churches in communities where American Leprosy Missions works. He ensures that the organization continues to implement programs in a way that honors God…

Kelly Parks, Executive Operations Manager
Kelly provides scheduling management, communication and administration support across the organization and for the CEO.

Pamela Armstrong-Pautz, Vice President of Development
Pam leads ALM’s development team, guiding the organization’s fundraising strategy and raising major gift and foundation revenue to achieve our strategic goals.

Becky Rivoire, Ph.D., LepVax Program Coordinator
Becky coordinates and manages clinical research for the leprosy vaccine candidate, LepVax. Her broad background in mycobacterial research, product translation, and regulatory affairs serves her key role as liaison among groups supporting LepVax development.

Paul Saunderson, M.D., M.R.C.P., Technical Advisor
Paul received his medical degree from Cambridge University and has been involved in leprosy work since 1981. He directs all research-related initiatives for American Leprosy Missions and spends much of his time traveling and evaluating projects…

Bekah Schwanbeck, Director of Development Operations
Bekah manages the development team and implements their strategic plan. She fosters relationships with donors and specializes in implementing national events and other types of engagements that build relationships with donors and churches…

Sophia Sedlacek, Southeast Regional Donor Manager
Sophia manages direct response communications and radio programs for the organization. Sophia loves the way her role connects donors with ALM’s vision of a world without leprosy. When she isn’t at work, she’s traveling the world in her favorite Adidas shoes. She appreciates…

Bill Simmons, President & CEO
Prior to joining American Leprosy Missions in 2010, Bill Simmons served as president and CEO of two nationwide retail chains. His two decades of business experience serve him well as he leads American Leprosy Missions to bring care and a cure to those affected by leprosy…

Angela Turner, South Central Regional Donor Manager
Angela has over 15 years of experience leading marketing and communication programs that engage donors and drive fundraising success. As a donor manager, Angela fosters ongoing relationships with ALM’s donors, connecting them to the ministry and their impact.

Sundeep Chaitanya Vedithi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Senior Director of Research and Innovation
Sundeep leads research initiatives, evaluating relevant projects, ensuring results and technical perspectives are published and providing technical support and training to staff and partners on translating NTD research into clinical application…

Dan Wilson, Midwest Regional Donor Manager
Dan builds relationships with donors so they understand their importance to ALM and the incredible impact of their gifts.

Ken Wilson, M.B.A., Chief of Staff
Ken has decades of experience working with international organizations to direct and facilitate operations assessments, collaborate on global strategies and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. At American Leprosy Missions…
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