Thanks to your support, American Leprosy Missions is improving water quality and sanitation practices in India and Nepal.

Clean water to drink. Toilets and indoor plumbing. Sinks for washing hands. All these things help stop disease and keep us healthy. But many people in the regions where we work do not have adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). This contributes to the spread of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) like leprosy, which can cause disabilities and drive people deeper into poverty.
To interrupt this vicious cycle of poverty, disease and disability, American Leprosy Missions and our partners launched women-led projects in India and Nepal to address WASH and to facilitate better access to health resources for people affected by NTDs.

Empower women to create healthy communities

Provide a safe water supply for consumption and improve water quality

Improve sanitation, reducing contamination of the environment

Teach better personal hygiene practices and provide health education