Your gifts equip Christian hospitals around the world to share Christ’s love and provide expert treatment and quality care for leprosy and related diseases.

Your generous support provides surgeries and physical therapy, footwear and prosthetics, self-care and self-help groups, counseling and community development, critical medical supplies and equipment, health worker training and so much more.
Our Christian partner hospitals are on the front lines of the fight against leprosy and related diseases, acting as beacons of hope in poor and marginalized communities.
Learn more about each hospital and how your gifts are transforming lives around the world.
Evangelical Medical Institute (IME)
Kimpese Hospital
Location: Kimpese, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Partnership with ALM began: 1951
Primary Services
- Full-service hospital, including general surgery, dentistry and obstetrics
- Buruli ulcer treatment
- Health worker training
- Outpatient services and preventative care
Examples of Your Gifts at Work
Through the Faith Leaders Project, your gifts train local pastors and lay leaders to help identify diseases like leprosy and offer spiritual and emotional support to people affected and their families. You are also providing a new water tank so hospital patients and staff can have safe, clean water to drink.

Schieffelin Institute of Health – Research
and Leprosy Center
Location: Karigiri, India
Partnership with ALM began: 1955
Primary Services
- Leprosy treatment and surgeries
- Leprosy-related research
- Footwear and prosthetics
- General health services
- Health worker training
Examples of Your Gifts at Work
Your gifts are providing prosthetics and orthotics that help people affected by leprosy stay safe and mobile. Your support is also making it possible to improve care and treatment for people affected by leprosy through several pioneering research projects.

Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital
Location: Dhanushu, Nepal
Partnership with ALM began: 2000
Primary Services
- Leprosy treatment and surgeries
- Footwear and prosthetics
- General hospital, emergency, and maternity services
- Health worker training
- Outpatient care and counseling
Examples of Your Gifts at Work
You are supporting expert leprosy diagnosis, treatment, surgeries, ongoing care, community outreach, and special programs to prevent lifelong disabilities. Thanks to you, 65,000 people are getting quality care in this remote region of Nepal. Your gifts are also providing clean water and improved sanitation for marginalized communities and have supported Lalgadh’s work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anandaban Leprosy Hospital
Location: Lalitpur, Nepal
Partnership with ALM began: 1993
Primary Services
- Leprosy treatment and surgeries
- General hospital, emergency, and maternity services
- Outpatient care and counseling
- Health worker training
Examples of Your Gifts at Work
The 2015 earthquake severely damaged Anandaban’s facilities, including their ICU. Thanks to your support and two USAID ASHA grants, Anandaban has built a new ICU building and equipment is on the way. The building houses a surgery theater and maternity ward. Thank you for helping to build a spacious, earthquake-safe and disability-friendly hospital for thousands of underserved people to receive care and the love of Christ!
Watch this video about Anandaban Hospital and the new building.