Rose and Lucky, Ghana
Rose and her husband farm maize and beans in Ghana. They have seven children. Lucky is their 16-year-old son. About two years ago, an ulcer developed on his leg.
His mom took him to a local clinic where, thanks to your support, he was tested and diagnosed with Buruli ulcer. Lucky received the cure, but he needed a skin graft, and it was very painful.
“When I got Buruli ulcer I felt very bad, I don’t think I really ate properly until the skin graft got done,” says Lucky. “It was only at that point that I realized it might get better. After it healed I started going to physiotherapy three times a week. We spent lots of money. There were times when I wondered if I’d ever play soccer again, but I kept on telling myself I would play, it’s just a matter of time…”
Thanks to your gifts, the staff at the hospital knew how to care for Lucky and taught him the best way to care for his leg. Now the scar from the ulcer is almost invisible. Lucky’s love for playing football and encouragement from his school friends, also helped him overcome this terrible flesh-eating disease.
Later on Lucky’s mom, Rose, also got Buruli ulcer – it was a big ulcer covering her knee and leg. She too needed a skin graft and was in the hospital for seven months.
“It was a horrible time for me,” says Rose. “I was scared that my husband might leave me and marry someone else. Financially it was extremely difficult – he worked so so hard.”
Lucky agrees. “I was very worried when my mother was ill, and for my siblings too. But I had recovered, and I knew she would too.”
Because Rose was away, it affected the farm, and it was difficult to find money for school fees. The kids were not always able to go to school.
“Apart from the church pastor and the clinic volunteers, no one came to us,” says Rose. “I think back on those times and find it encouraging that we’ve gone through this and survived. I feel stronger as a result. I’m thankful, and give praise to God that I still have my life and my family.”
Lucky still loves playing soccer. We ask him if he knows what he’d like to do after he’s finished school. “Of course, I would like to play soccer!,” he says laughing. “But I think probably I would like to be a policeman, although I will always play soccer.”
His coach says that given the opportunity, Lucky is good enough to turn professional. Considering he had a large ulcer on his leg just over a year ago, this is an extraordinary statement.
Praise God for the work He has done in this family’s life!