The Power of Self-Care


Leprosy and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) can cause lifelong disabilities. In order to prevent and manage disabilities, it is important to take proper care of nerve-damaged hands and feet, swollen legs, open wounds and damaged eyes.

You are helping us bring compassionate care to people in Nigeria affected by leprosy, Buruli ulcer, lymphatic filariasis and other disabling NTDs.

Thanks to your support, health workers are learning how to detect and treat NTDs, care for wounds, manage current disabilities and prevent further disabilities.

And people suffering from these debilitating diseases are learning self-care.

Self-care gives people the opportunity to focus on their abilities, rather than their disabilities. They learn to control the disease, rather than letting it control them. As people develop the self-confidence to overcome adversity, they are empowered to take charge of their lives.

Thank you for transforming the lives of people like these through the power of self-care.

A boy with scar from a Buruli ulcer wound is practicing lubricating and massaging the scar to promote proper healing.

Patient being taught exercises to improve movement at the ankle joint where she has ulcer.

Health worker examining a three-year-old girl diagnosed with leprosy.

Health assistant practicing a wound dressing.